Photo Use

Hey there! Thanks so much for your interest in using my recipes and photos. It’s really flattering to know you appreciate my work!

I put a lot of love and effort into creating these recipes and taking all the photos you see here (yes, all the photos were snapped by me).

So, here’s the deal: I, Marcin, own and copyright everything on Definitely Not A Chef. I will take action if you use my content without permission.

But don’t worry! You’re more than welcome to use my images and recipes as long as you stick to a few guidelines. If you follow these rules, there’s no need to ask for permission!

My Simple Sharing Policy

  1. One Photo Per Recipe: You can use one photo for each recipe.
  2. Add a Link: For each photo you use, please link back to the original recipe on my site.
  3. Credit: Please reference Definitely Not A Chef and link back to my homepage. For example: “Pistachio Eclairs by Definitely Not a Chef.”
  4. Limit: You can use up to 5 of my photos/recipes in a single post.
  5. No Commercial Use: Commercial use of any of my content (words or images) without permission is not allowed.

If you want to share my content in a different way, please reach out. Specifically, I don’t allow sharing of my recipes where you provide the ingredients or directions. And I never allow sharing of my photos plus ingredients plus directions.

Thanks for understanding and happy cooking!

Cheers, Marcin